Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Warrior Priest(ess?)

If you haven't been over to Warhammer Alliance lately, you may be out of the loop on a hot topic made even hotter by the latest Secred Lives of Mobs web comic. All the controversy revolves around EAMythic's decision not to allow the Chaos Chosen to be female. From what I've gathered, they say it would take too much time and effort at this stage to design whole new character/armor models to accommodate a female version of the Chosen. Others have argued that fully suited up, who's to say the Chosen is one gender over the other? They do tend to wear helms that cover their faces - much more than other careers.

The wife and sister of SLM artist chimed in on the side of those wanting a female chosen. They're disappointed it's not an option. I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed on the opposite end of the spectrum when I heard this. Every TT figure or piece of concept art I've seen of the Warrior Priest has been male - that is, up until Warhammer Online decided to "diversify" the cult of Sigmar. Call me a relic of the past or a chauvinistic pig, but I grumbled a little inside when I saw the screenshots of female Warrior Priests.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a female who to prefers to play chick toons. I'm pleased that I'll be able to play a female WP.

11:26 PM  
Blogger CultureFall said...

My opinion (over at Children of the Khorne) is that Mythic is doing its part to keep down masturbation levels among the twelve year old population.

To me, it is a bit ridiculous. A Chosen should be a big hulk of metal which evokes terror, not a seductive piece of metal which makes evokes woodies for teenagers.

I say it's time to make a stand against the Lara Croft-ism of gaming.

1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Catering to a less sexually-idealized image has already been done. It's called the female dwarf in WoW.

6:17 PM  
Blogger Kaziel said...

My opinion (over at Children of the Khorne) is that Mythic is doing its part to keep down masturbation levels among the twelve year old population.

To me, it is a bit ridiculous. A Chosen should be a big hulk of metal which evokes terror, not a seductive piece of metal which makes evokes woodies for teenagers.

I say it's time to make a stand against the Lara Croft-ism of gaming.

First as a clarification, I don't really care. I'm going to play a Chosen and I'd be a male character anyway. But, just to be the devil's advocate, if your reasoning is correct it is really unfair to female players who want to play female characters and want to play Chaos Chosen. It's one thing to limit classes and races based on the lore of the setting, but to punish one group of players, because another group of players are a bunch of jerks is about the epitome of a bad move.

11:31 AM  

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