Friday, July 13, 2007

Fan Fiction

I watched Shaun of the Dead again the other night, and came to a realization. Generally speaking, I'm not a fan of the horror genre - be it in literature or cinema. Zombies, however, are a strange subject that tends to give way to as much action and comedy as horror. There are a number of common themes that can be found in zombie movies. They're usually pretty gory, the plot and background as to why the face of the earth is now crawling with undead is generally weak or nonexistent, and the few people still alive tend to always be running helpless. Perhaps this sense of hopelessness is what drives the appeal of the genre for most of the fanbase, but it just doesn't cut it for me. Here is where I get to the point.

Nobody has, to my knowledge, ever done a zombie story the way I want to read it. The Warcraft franchise came so close with the lore surrounding the scourge plague and the knights of the Silver Hand, but in the end their Paladins stood around in dresses tossing heals. As I sat in front of my computer the other night, reflecting on this, I decided to finally do something about it. Not yet tired enough to head to bed, I started writing. I'm not very far in, and who knows if I'll ever finish, but it's worth a shot. One thing's for sure - in my story you won't ever see a paladin in a dress.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Consider the Zombie Movie's videogame equivalent, the Survival Horror genre.

The thrill comes not from destroying crowds of Zombies (The exception being Dead Rising), but from having exactly 4 bullets, no way of healing, and walking into a room and seeing something hungry skitter into the shadows.

I myself am not a fan of Horror movies, but I actually enjoy some of the better done Survival Horror games (Resident Evil 4, anyone?) simply because of the limits and situations they evoke are fairly unique to games; the only solution sometimes is desperation.

I think overall with a better story, as you suggest, the genre could be more than just gore and guts, but since that's the defining characteristic of most Horror movies, I don't think you'll see that change.

3:03 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

if it makes you feel any better bliz is also nerfing our ability to support too so we are essentially we are becomming useless in everything!

11:19 AM  
Blogger Vaelin said...

Paladins got hosed in PvP in patch 2.2. Longer blessings - yawn.

3:58 PM  

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