Thursday, January 31, 2008


Egad! I haven't blogged in nearly two months! I've pretty much given up following Warhammer Online these days, as the release date keeps getting punted further back. While I'm not necessarily afraid it will go the way of Duke Nukem Forever, I think it's safe to say that you shouldn't hold your breath right now. If anyone is still bothering to check this, then know that you're in for a major retooling of things.

As I've mentioned before, I majored in Political Science back in college. This fact has popped up a few times in the past, but is about to become much more prevalent. With the 2008 presidential campaign season in full swing, I'm once again glued to my favorite news and commentary sites. Henceforth, you'll be getting my perspective on the overall situation (though especially on the Republican side of things). If you find this all frightfully boring, then tough cheese.


Blogger Kaziel said...

While you may not be watching information on WAR, there is one thing you may want to check out: Warrior Priest Career Masteries (kinda like talent trees in WoW).

2:17 PM  

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