Friday, August 17, 2007

I Have A Confession To Make

Blizzard's announcement at Blizzcon introducing a Death Knight class in the next WoW expansion intrigued me. Also (and I'll believe it when I see it) they're promising substantial changes to Retribution starting in patch 2.3, including a DPS boost and increased group utility. This left me with a dilemma.

Don't get me wrong - I'm still looking forward to WAR, and still excited about the Warrior Priest class. I'm also still planning on forming up a Regiment when WAR goes live. Unfortunately, however, there has been very little news about WAR that we don't already know (hence the big lag in blogging). I tried several games after quitting WoW including LOTR Online and EVE Online, and playing through all my old RTS's and FPS's, but nothing has managed to hold my interest. To put it simply, I got bored.

There's also the matter of a 60 hunter I had sitting in my account, complete with 6/8 Giantstalkers and Rhok/Lok'delar. My old raiding guild had a bit of a revolution, getting rid of the dead weight and returning to more of their family oriented casual raiding roots, so the timing was right. I did what I never thought I'd do and reactivated my account.

Since coming back, I must say there are ups to counter the downs. The new arena and revamped PvP system allow a player to obtain an entire set of epic gear catered to their preferred spec, including jewelry and weapons, without ever having to set foot in a dungeon. What this means is that a Ret Paladin with sufficient patience and a REALLY thick skin (and it helps to have some old friends that still play the game) now has access to gear previously unheard of.

Along lore lines, I see all of this as a means for vindication. Whether or not they ever make Ret a desirable spec for 5-mans and smaller raids, there's now a dark alternative on the (somewhat distant) horizon. All of the jabs and rejection have culminated in the hearts of a lot of disenfranchised Paladins to they point where they're ready to admit the Light just doesn't cut it when it comes to anything but healing. Priests learned this a long time ago, hence the Shadow tree.

I'll still see many of you in Warhammer Online, but for now I'm getting back on my charger to start down a dark path. Forsaking the obvious strengths of the Paladin order, I'm defying all around me to pursue my own ends.


Blogger Xgelis said...

Hey vaelin,
So you say you went back to wow?

For me,
I might just turn my head around to glance at the 2nd xpac, but not my destination.

4:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aint much changed. people judge you by your gear and arena rating.

i'm still sticking around but slowly phasing out of the game. maybe expansion will ignite the passion for ret again for me but too many elitist jerks shape the game now.

to summarize, the game just isn't as fun as it use to be for me.

p.s- welcome back Vaelin


6:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly i think the expansion is a total joke...its like hey new dances and hair color awesome? they slap a death knight on there and half the paladin community comes crawling back.

12:02 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This expansion is an "uh oh, we need to keep people from switching games" move. Another attempt to keep people playing WoW, which (don't shoot me for saying it) isn't half bad sometimes. That said, I'm still amused by the pre-written message from Blizzard when I tell them the reason I'm canceling my account is due to WAR.

"We at Blizzard are extremely proud of the experience available in World of Warcraft and we are sorry to hear that another company has lured you away with their gaudy baubles and promises. We feel that World of Warcraft incorporates elements from the entire spectrum of online gaming and has something for everyone, casual gamer and power gamer alike. If there is something you feel is missing from the game, we would love to hear about it! Please, feel free to post your thoughts and suggestions on our forums at! Or, use the provided box to leave your comments. World of Warcraft affords us a unique development opportunity in that the game we have created is constantly changing. Additions to the game world can drastically alter the game play experience in new and exciting ways! Supplemental quests, items and skills can open up whole new realms of adventure for our players. Blizzard actively creates new content to keep the World of Warcraft fresh and full of magic. While we of course regret your departure, we wish you well on your future adventures. However, your past is not lost. We currently have no plans to delete accounts or characters for inactivity, so you are always free to return to the lands of Azeroth and continue your tale in the World of Warcraft!"

(All formatting is my own.)

The whole "new dancing" thing brings up mental pictures of Paul Barnett (Mythic) in one of his enthusiastic rants about how this is WAR, not World of Dancecraft or anything like that. And of course, the now infamous "And I heal, and I heal, and I heal" bit.

I'm still playing WoW, but not for much longer.

Waiting on Warhammer,
Tiberian (70 Human Paladin)
The Venture Co. (US - RP PvP)

4:30 AM  

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